LANA DEL REY Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd 2 LP Vinyl
- "Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd "to najnowszy a zarazem dziewiąty studyjny album uznanej piosenkarki i autorki tekstów Lany Del Rey.
LANA DEL REY Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd 2 LP Vinyl
"Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd" to dziewiąty studyjny album uznanej piosenkarki i autorki tekstów Lany Del Rey. Wydawnictwo zawiera 16 utworów i przerywników z udziałem: Father John Misty, Tommy Genesis, Jon Batiste, Bleachers i nie tylko. Album jest następca albumów z 2021 roku: Chemtrails Over The Country Club oraz Blue Banisters.
A1 The Grants
A2 Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
A3 Sweet
A4 A&W
B1 Judah Smith Interlude
B2 Candy Necklace (feat. Jon Batiste)
B3 Jon Batiste Interlude
B4 Kintsugi
C1 Fingertips
C2 Paris, Texas (feat. SYML)
C3 Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing (feat. RIOPY)
C4 Let The Light In (feat. Father John Misty)
D1 Margaret (feat. Bleachers)
D2 Fishtail
D3 Peppers (feat. Tommy Genes
D4 Taco Truck x VB